[pydotorg-www] New Honorary Associate Membership

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Thu Mar 15 07:55:46 CET 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012, at 08:16 PM, Aahz wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2012, Steve Holden wrote:
> >
> > Kurt Kaiser and I have just updated the psfmember.org site, and
> > I am delighted to say that it is now ready for users to start
> > registering! This could be more money for the PSF, but there are few
> > links to the site at the moment.
> No, it is not ready.  There is zero information on the home page, and I
> still think that requiring an address to register is broken (aside from
> the fact from my POV any system requiring both first and last name is
> broken).

I see what you are saying.  We were intending to add some informative
text to the page on python.org which accesses the non-logged-in page on
psfmember.org.  But absent that, if you go directly to psfmember.org,
it's indeed barren.

I copied Steve's text from the logged-in page, less the button that
initiates the signup process.

Once the prospect logs in, it will see the same text, but with the

Regarding collecting information, the personal data was only visible to
the user and the administrator, though that's not obvious.

There is really no pressing reason to collect Associate Member
information (beyond email address), since the financial information is
collected by the payment processor.

I've reconfigured the system to only require first name and country, and
modified the payment processing to key off the psfmember.org email
instead of the paypal email.  That way, the donation honor roll will
only contain the data supplied during registration at psfmember.org.  If
it only supplies a first name, then that's what appears.  Assuming it
could make a financial transaction, of course.

If the Associate Members want to add additional information to their
profile, they can.  You might try registering and check out the profile,
it's pretty compete and allows the user quite a bit of control.


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