[pydotorg-www] Fw: [Archiver-policy] Impact of SOPA?

Brandon Craig Rhodes brandon at rhodesmill.org
Mon Jan 16 17:43:57 CET 2012

Python already has a reputation for being undeployable in an emergency
because PyPI does not stay up consistency enough.  Please imagine the
violence this will do to lone, hard-working Python supporters in the
back server rooms of big organizations, if they have to explain to their
bosses that the new web app cannot be deployed today; that they cannot
set up their old virtualenv's on their new laptop's hard drive; and that
they cannot even read any documentation, because of a protest going on
against a law over in the United States.

Shutting down the already-unreliable Python web infrastructure yet again
would not harm the SOPA supporters in the United States Congress.  But
it would harm our community the world over, and damage our reputation,
while not doing a whit to prevent SOPA from passing.

Python should strive to be the always-available, always-up, always-to-
the-rescue language for programmers everywhere.  Our form of protest
should be to become *more* available, *more* reliable; to reach out with
resources to programmers in countries that try to block python.org; and
to remain up until the very last moment, even if open-source one day has
to go underground.

Shutting down ahead of time would simply be to poke ourselves in our own
collective eyeball.

Brandon Craig Rhodes   brandon at rhodesmill.org   http://rhodesmill.org/brandon

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