[pydotorg-www] ConFoo 2012 – Call for speakers

Yannick Gingras ygingras at ygingras.net
Fri Aug 5 05:13:18 CEST 2011

Hello Python.org webmasters,
  would it be possible to have the CFP of ConFoo 2012 advertised on
python.org?  Here is the text that we propose:

ConFoo 2012 in Montreal: Python charmers wanted

ConFoo 2012 is looking for talk proposals:

ConFoo is a conference on several aspects of the Web held from Feb 29th
to March 2nd in Montréal, the host city of PyCon 2014-2015.

Fell free to adapt it to match your editorial guidelines.


Yannick Gingras
http://montrealpython.org – lead organizer

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