[pydotorg-www] Bylaws update

Pat Campbell patcam at python.org
Tue Sep 28 20:11:15 CEST 2010

Hi pydotorg:

Could you please make the following changes to the PSF Bylaws web page


*Only Section 4.7, Section 4.10 & Section 6.3 were amended -- see below.*

*Section 4.7* *(should read as)*


    The membership of a nominated member may be converted into an emeritus

    membership upon an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the

    members of the corporation who are present and eligible to vote at the

    meeting, with the following restriction. Any vote for involuntary

    conversion of membership to emeritus status must be held electronically

    or by teleconference instead of in person, as described in Section 13.8.

    The membership of a nominated member shall be converted into an emeritus

    membership automatically upon failure of a nominated member to vote at

    the last three (3) consecutive members' meetings and on any actions

    without meeting that occurred since the first of these three meetings.

Section 4.10 (should read as)

    SECTION 4.10. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. A member's membership may be

    terminated by an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the

    members of the corporation who are present and eligible to vote at the

    meeting, with the following restriction. Any vote for termination of

    membership must be held electronically or by teleconference instead of

    in person, as described in Section 13.8. A sponsor member's membership

    shall be automatically terminated if the sponsor member's yearly fee has

    not been paid within three (3) months of the due date.

*Section 6.3 **(should read as)*

    SECTION 6.3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES. In addition to the officers

    of the corporation, the Board of Directors may, by resolution, establish

    one or more Project Management Committees consisting of at least one

    member of the Board of Directors or at least one officer of the

    corporation, who shall be designated chairman of such committee, and may

    include one or more other members of the corporation. Non-members of the

    corporation may serve on such committees by authorization of the Board

    of Directors. Unless elected or appointed as an officer in accordance

    with Sections 6.1 and 6.4 of these Bylaws, a member of a Project

    Management Committee shall not be deemed an officer of the corporation.

    Each Project Management Committee shall be responsible for the active

    management of one or more projects identified by resolution of the Board

    of Directors which may include, without limitation, the creation or

    maintenance of "open-source" software for distribution to the public at

    no charge. Subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, the

    chairman of each Project Management Committee shall be primarily

    responsible for project(s) managed by such committee, and he or she

    shall establish rules and procedures for the day to day management of

    project(s) for which the committee is responsible.

    The Board of Directors of the corporation may, by resolution, dissolve a

    Project Management Committee at any time.


PS. If you have any questions, please let me know.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 11:07 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:

> Hi Pat,
> I just had a look at the bylaws page and couldn't find the
> project management members changes the members voted on
> earlier this year.
> Could you please update the official page to reflect these
> changes ?
> Thanks,
> --
> Marc-Andre Lemburg
> eGenix.com
> Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jul 12 2010)
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> ________________________________________________________________________
> 2010-07-19: EuroPython 2010, Birmingham, UK                 6 days to go
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>   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [PSF-Members] 2010 PSF Members Election Results
> Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:47:21 -0400
> From: Pat Campbell <patcam at python.org>
> To: PSF Board <psf at python.org>, PSF Members <psf-members at python.org>
> Election Results of the 2010 Python Software Foundation Members’ Meeting
> April 3, 2010
> ...
> Approval of changes to the bylaws (Emeritus Status)
> ===================================================
>   **RESOLVED**, that the proposed January 2010 changes to the bylaws be
> accepted.
> Uche Ogbuji moved that in the Bylaws of the Python Software Foundation
> normally published at http://www.python.org/psf/bylaws/ be amended as
> to include a Section 4.7 that reads as:
>    The membership of a nominated member may be converted into an emeritus
>    membership upon an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the
>    members of the corporation who are present and eligible to vote at the
>    meeting, with the following restriction. Any vote for involuntary
>    conversion of membership to emeritus status must be held electronically
>    or by teleconference instead of in person, as described in Section 13.8.
>    The membership of a nominated member shall be converted into an emeritus
>    membership automatically upon failure of a nominated member to vote at
>    the last three (3) consecutive members' meetings and on any actions
>    without meeting that occurred since the first of these three meetings."
> And a Section 4.10 reads as:
>    SECTION 4.10. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. A member's membership may be
>    terminated by an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the
>    members of the corporation who are present and eligible to vote at the
>    meeting, with the following restriction. Any vote for termination of
>    membership must be held electronically or by teleconference instead of
>    in person, as described in Section 13.8. A sponsor member's membership
>    shall be automatically terminated if the sponsor member's yearly fee has
>    not been paid within three (3) months of the due date."
> Discussion (by Uche Ogbuji):
>    The effect of these changes will be to make practicable the provisions
>    for terminating, or involuntarily retiring any member presumably not in
>    good standing, either for having unpaid dues or for having brought the
>    Foundation into disrepute in some way. The restriction to electronic
>    meetings is intended to ensure the broadest possible attendance, and a
>    sound quorum for discussion of such sensitive matters. We could just
>    lean on Section 3.9. Member Quorum, but I suggest that requiring a
>    qualified electronic vote will achieve the same practical aim rather
>    more simply. Furthermore, since proxy ballots count towards quorum, I
>    think section 3.9 might not be sufficient to ensure broadest
>    participation in such votes.
> Approved, 84-4-14
> Approval of changes to the bylaws (Committee Membership)
> ========================================================
>   **RESOLVED**, that the changes to the bylaws discussed by the Python
> Software
> Foundation Board in February 2010 be accepted. The purpose of this change
> is
> to allow non-members of PSF to serve on Project Management Committees at
> the
> discretion of the Board. As amended, Section 6.3 would read:
>    SECTION 6.3. PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES. In addition to the officers
>    of the corporation, the Board of Directors may, by resolution, establish
>    one or more Project Management Committees consisting of at least one
>    member of the Board of Directors or at least one officer of the
>    corporation, who shall be designated chairman of such committee, and may
>    include one or more other members of the corporation. Non-members of the
>    corporation may serve on such committees by authorization of the Board
>    of Directors. Unless elected or appointed as an officer in accordance
>    with Sections 6.1 and 6.4 of these Bylaws, a member of a Project
>    Management Committee shall not be deemed an officer of the corporation.
>    Each Project Management Committee shall be responsible for the active
>    management of one or more projects identified by resolution of the Board
>    of Directors which may include, without limitation, the creation or
>    maintenance of "open-source" software for distribution to the public at
>    no charge. Subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, the
>    chairman of each Project Management Committee shall be primarily
>    responsible for project(s) managed by such committee, and he or she
>    shall establish rules and procedures for the day to day management of
>    project(s) for which the committee is responsible.
>    The Board of Directors of the corporation may, by resolution, dissolve a
>    Project Management Committee at any time.
> Approved, 94-1-7

Pat Campbell
PSF Administrator/Secretary
patcam at python.org
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