[pydotorg-www] jobs.python.org?

Moises Perez el_psycho_mx at yahoo.com.mx
Tue Sep 14 21:53:59 CEST 2010


I've been following your mail list for a few months but this is my first 

I think that python.org/jobs is better and easiest to remember than create a 
subdomain like jobs.python.org.

And, at the end, the final route for the page will be the same: python.org/jobs

Greets from Mexico

De: anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com>
Para: Michael Foord <mfoord at python.org>
CC: pydotorg-www <pydotorg-www at python.org>; Stephan Deibel 
<sdeibel at wingware.com>
Enviado: martes, 14 de septiembre, 2010 10:40:55
Asunto: Re: [pydotorg-www] jobs.python.org?

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Michael Foord <mfoord at python.org> wrote:

> Isn't it just *moving* the nesting? (I was saying that python.org/jobs is
> better than python.org/community/jobs )

jobs.python.org is better that python.org/jobs

>> However, this seems such a small point I'm not sure why it's even being
>> discussed.  Either someone should just do it or not...

anatoly t.
pydotorg-www mailing list
pydotorg-www at python.org

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