[pydotorg-www] jobs.python.org?

Michael Foord mfoord at python.org
Tue Sep 14 12:33:50 CEST 2010

  On 14/09/2010 11:29, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>      Fred>  What we ended up with was docs in two different places that had to
>      Fred>  be updated in two different ways, and was confusing for users.
>      Fred>  The maintenance pain only got worse when the main www.python.org
>      Fred>  site was changed to be built in a different way (pyramid).  I'm
>      Fred>  not sure how much duplication of effort is currently required.
> That was, of course, not a fault of the name but of incomplete conversion to
> the new domain as the place to get the core Python documentation.
> Personally, I find
>      jobs.python.org
> easier to remember than
>      www.python.org/community/jobs

Sure. But is jobs.python.org easier to remember than python.org/jobs ?

(Flat is better than nested ;-)


> (or whatever it is).  The same would be true for most people I think.  If
> remembering isn't required, then sure, a URL within www.python.org is as
> easy to click as a URL which is a different subdomain.
> Skip
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