[pydotorg-www] Fwd: Suggestion for additional Screen Style

Michael Foord mfoord at python.org
Sat May 8 17:18:49 CEST 2010

Suggestion from a website user.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Suggestion for additional Screen Style
Date: 	Sat, 8 May 2010 10:48:45 -0400
From: 	John Nelson <jbn at abreka.com>
To: 	webmaster at python.org


As with my Python code, I prefer to view web pages unmaximized. I 
typically have relevant docs open in a browser window to the left of my 
code editor. It would be nice to have a [linearise] style option in the 
PEPs that would either remove the left navigation or place content 
immediately under it. I'd like to reclaim the wide left gutter for perusal.

(More precisely, I would like to not press Web Developer > Display by 
Media Type > Print; CTRL++; every time.)

Thanks for your consideration,
John B Nelson

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