[pydotorg-www] project plan

Patrick Ben Koetter p at state-of-mind.de
Wed Apr 21 06:56:08 CEST 2010

* Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com>:
> Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> > * Paul Boddie <paul at boddie.org.uk>:
> >> On Tuesday 20 April 2010 00:17:44 Richard Leland wrote:
> >>> Hi Stephan - definitely useful! I couldn't agree more that the presentation
> >>> is extremely important. The goals in the docs aren't in any specific order.
> >>> Right now they are all of equal weight. When we get to the implementation
> >>> stage I think we'll probably have to prioritize and break the project into
> >>> phases.
> >>>
> >>> Keep the feedback coming!
> >> Take a look at the following document:
> >>
> >> http://wiki.python.org/moin/MarketingPython
> >>
> >> It's a bit verbose, but it covers quite a few reflections I had after the last 
> >> python.org redesign.
> > 
> > A good read. I'd like to add my two cent from my experience as information
> > architect:
> > 
> > - The website and the website experience are placeholders for the product i.e.
> >   Python. If we state that Python is this and that e.g. easier to use, better
> >   to read etc. then the Website must be that way too. The website as a
> >   placeholder must prove the Python promise.
> > - Don't tell people what Python will do (=work) for them. Tell them what they
> >   will get (=result), instead. Though there are many people out there who use
> >   Python because of itself, the majority will use it to gain something else.
> >   The "something else" should be communicated. If people buy the story, they
> >   will start using Python because they want to reach the goal behind Python.
> >   Market Python with goals people reached using Python.
> > - Don't try to satisfy any stakeholders interests! Stick to a few, strong
> >   stakeholders. Make it a straight story. Implement core features, content
> >   etc. Measure and improve. Drop things that don't work. Over time this will
> >   create a sound and solid base that allows to bring in other, less important
> >   stakeholders.
> > - Compared to email, chat and other communication forms websites are
> >   monologues. Write "mobilizing information" so people need not start a
> >   dialogue in a monologue media - they only will if they cannot avoid.
> > 
> Personally I think that you make some good points. We should be looking
> more critically at the whole point of the web site, but it's obvious
> that there's some disagreement in the Python community about this point
> of view, Just look at the comments on this blog entry:
>   http://holdenweb.blogspot.com/2009/02/sell-sizzle-not-sausage.html
> I think a lot of geeks just don't like "marketing", not matter what the
> purpose.

So do I! And I agree that "Neutral descriptions are far better than publicity
guff." (cite from your blog entry comments)

Looking at myself and at my open source colleagues/friends I note a stance
that says: "No matter what you tell me, I am the one in charge and I am going
to do it my way. I will decide. I am out the moment I note you are trying to
manipulate me."

I believe that's the typical association when people tell they don't like
"marketing". They say "marketing", but think "manipulation". And I agree. I
get to see, hear, even eat (!) more blown up vaporware than I get to see
companies delivering their promise.

That's why I added "show the results" to the list above. They demonstrate the
promise was kept. Of course, one still can be very loud and pushy about it,
and people will get irritated because its abnormally loud and will start to
doubt again. It's a thin line and it takes experience to get it right.

On another note: What's wrong about being proud, if you get the tone right?
There's a thin line here too. Some rather tend to brawl than tell you
something they have managed to acchieve. But hey, who doesn't want to be proud
about what he/she does? Who's not enchanted by people that are proud about
what they do? Who, if not the Open Source people, are not proud that it worked
their way, following their codex of honour?

I guess what people dislike are superlatives and absolutism. There are
situations where I prefer my Windows 7 machine to my Ubuntu Lucid (especially
during Alpha testing...), simply because I have the right tool for the right
job. Do something very american. Follow the constitution and make me "an
enlightened citizenry". Tell me the pros and cons (and don't forget the
cons!). Let me decide.

Open Source is a lot about openess and transparency. I guess if we do
transparent marketing, we can be trusted.

p at rick

And now I will get another cup of tea. Good morning, by the way... ;)

state of mind
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