[Pydotorg-www] About the new build system

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Mon Aug 6 20:59:19 CEST 2007


I'm the maintainer of the python.it web site.

We are using a modified version of ht2html, but it has many problems.

I'm planning to update the software but it seems that the new build 
system for python.org has all the features I need.

So I would like to contribute to the development, trying (if possibile) 
to write a reusable core.

The current version, in fact, is strictly related to the python.org site.
I can adapt the software for python.it, but I think that having the 
possibility to work on a common piece of software is the best solution.

Thanks  Manlio Perillo

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