[Pydotorg-redesign] RE: Netscape 4 support

Tim Parkin tim.parkin at pollenationinternet.com
Sun Sep 14 07:57:29 EDT 2003

Simon Willison wrote:
>I suggest using the classid dual stylesheets appoach. The basic 
>stylesheet (as used by Netscape 4) can set font styles, header styles 
>and anything else that NS4's highly limited CSS can safely support.
>@import an advanced stylesheet with the real site design in it. A good 
>example of a site that does this effectively is www.stopdesign.com - 
>it's amazing how much better a site looks with just some rudimentary 
>text colours on headings.

How realistic is it to try to get an alternatre stylesheet that
generates a header and left/right column layout? I would like to be able
to offer this as an alternate, obviously it depends on the html but do
you think this is realistic.


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