[Pydotorg-redesign] Logo question

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Wed Jul 23 14:27:10 EDT 2003

Todd Grimason writes:
 > I had assumed (yes I know the problems with that ;-) that the
 > python logo was sort of a 'sacred cow', and not a candidate for
 > modification. I see now someone asked about this on c.l.py and
 > figured I'd ask you guys explicitly - is this the case?

I don't think it's the case.

 > While some developers may cringe at a "corporatized" look, I think
 > they'll deal with it and put up with it much more readily than a
 > decision-making CTO will tolerate a "playful, non-serious" looking
 > site. And, if done well, we can retain most of the flavor, while
 > "buttoning up" a bit for the suits.

Do you really think the logo itself is a problem, or the non-"slick"
presentation of the site itself?  I suspect the later has much more to
do with any perceived non-professionalism.

 > Thoughts? Maybe this is an area for longer-term
 > discussion/development, along with the "some day" re-IA? From what
 > I've followed so far this current push is more along the lines of a
 > refresh, and streamlining for content updates(?)

The current push is really more about the general presentation of the
site, and the site organization.  Making content management easier is
also important, but I don't think that's really the task for this
group (witness the name of the list), though ideas are always


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation

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