[Pydotorg-redesign] Graphic redesign

Matt Goodall matt at pollenation.net
Fri Jul 18 23:42:05 EDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-07-18 at 18:25, Aahz wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2003, Matt Goodall wrote:
> > Aahz wrote:
> >>On Fri, Jul 18, 2003, Walter Dörwald wrote:
> >>>   
> >>>All pages have to be put into a hierarchical sitemap, but this doesn't
> >>>have to do anything with directory structure.
> >>
> >>You're technically correct, but because we've currently got the site in
> >>CVS, moving things around is a strongly non-preferred option.  And given
> >>that we've already got the site structure in directories, it seems to me
> >>that whatever navigation tool we're using ought to be automated to use
> >>that structure.
> > 
> > But surely one of the key problems with the current site is that it is 
> > not well structured? That makes it hard to navigate, especially for 
> > beginners - probably the key group to attract. In my opinion, the site 
> > structure has to come first. If the directory structure fits then that's 
> > great; if not then it needs mapping to the site structure by some other 
> > means.
> That's not the point.  The point is that we're currently talking about a
> reasonably minimal graphic redesign and a front-page redesign.  If we
> start talking about restructuring the content, that's a *huge* task with
> lots of separate pieces.  It's not just individual pages that need
> moving; many pages need to be merged or split.  I'd prefer to separate
> the two, and that means that the graphic redesign needs to incorporate
> the current structure.

Fair enough, point taken. As I mentioned before, I hadn't been closely
following the discussion due to lack of time. I scanned back in the
archives and read the pycon summary on the wiki and from those got the
impression that attracting new users that was one of the driving forces.
It sounds like that _will_ happen but not necessarily just yet?

- Matt

Matt Goodall, Pollenation Internet Ltd
w: http://www.pollenation.net
e: matt at pollenation.net

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