[Pydotorg-redesign] Domain-specific content

Dylan Reinhardt python at dylanreinhardt.com
Sun Aug 10 17:31:25 EDT 2003

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 22:25, Aahz wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 09, 2003, Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> > What if there were a place where small (but useful) things could be
> > stored and actually *found*?  Well, I'd put my recipe *there* instead,
> > wouldn't I?  So would other people who had recipes, tips, links, book
> > reviews, opinions, and other things that are useful but not important or
> > weighty enough (individually) to work into the current site.
> Just in case there's anyone on this list who doesn't know the correct
> answer to this example:
> http://pythoncookbook.activestate.com/

Just to be clear, I'm well aware of the cookbook and frequently thankful
it exists.  The recipes I've gotten there have been top notch.  

The cookbook site was a great tool for what it was designed to do (fill
a book) and still has significant enduring value.  It's barely
scratching the surface of what's possible in the CMS space.

> (Yes, I agree that we should move python.org in this direction.)



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