[PyConAPAC] [Action Needed] PyCon APAC Hosting 2019

Younggun Kim iam at younggun.kim
Tue Oct 2 13:35:00 EDT 2018

Dear organizers,

I'll set up an e-voting for PyCon APAC 2019 Host on Helios Voting.

Since this is our second time to the system, I would NOT send a test ballot
to voters.

Before I set up the voting and send e-ballot to all of the valid voters, I
would like to ask you to confirm the representative voter and e-mail
address of each voting countries again.
(Please email me with the correct address before the voting starts)

## Voting Countries
- Hong Kong: Sammy Fung <sa... at opensource.hk>
- India: Shilpa Karkeraa <sh... at myraatechnologies.com>
- Japan: Manabu Terada <te... at pycon.jp>
- Malaysia: Iqbal Abdullah <iq... at pycon.my>
- Singapore: Liew Beng Keat <be... at gmail.com>
- South Korea: Kwonhan Bae <da... at gmail.com>
- Taiwan: Taihsiang Ho <ta... at gmail.com>
- Thailand: Dylan Jay <dy... at dylanjay.com>
- Vietnam: Hoc Do <ho... at gmail.com>

Following countries are not eligible to vote as they are candidates.
- Indonesia
- Philippines

## Timeline
Voting starts at Oct. 5th 00:00 UTC
Voting ends at Oct. 8th 12:00 UTC

At 00:00 UTC on Oct. 5th, you will receive an email from
system at heliosvoting.org, which contains your voter ID and the election URL.

- To vote for a candidate country, cast your vote and click next.
- You can review the proposal each country have submitted.
- To abstain, do not select any candidate countries and click next

You will be able to review your ballot before you cast your vote.


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