[Pycon2005-attendees] International Student Center far away?

Stefano Masini stefano at pragma2000.com
Mon Mar 21 19:15:26 CET 2005

yuba at conwaycorp.net wrote:
>>... but Stefano says he's at 2451 18th Street NW, not NE.  You put him  
>>36 blocks away from his actual location.  :-)

Pfeww! :)

> That sounds more like it!!  I'm arriving into National Airport about 6:00, so
> I'm guessing I'll hit GW Student Center about 7:30 or so.  I was under the
> impression that there was a metro stop at the airport and one near the Student
> Center (all my documentation is back at home and I'm at work).  Am I going to
> be able to get to the International Studnet Center from National?

I'm in your same situation.
As far as I could tell from the airport website, there should be a 
shuttle bringing from the airport to the metro stop. And then, from the 
metro stop we should be able to get quite near the Student Center.

 From the student center there should be bus lines H1 and L2 going right 
into the campus, if walking for a dozen blocks is too much.

If I'm wrong, anybody from DC please correct me.

Anyway, thanks for the many responses!


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