[pycon-za] PyCon blog access

Samantha Manclark sam at speakerscorner.co.za
Tue Sep 4 20:04:22 CEST 2012

Hi Simon,
Great idea.  I am chasing Gustav for comments from the sponsors.  If we
don't get any feedback by Thursday I think we should go with the release as
is without any sponsors comments.
The next release I'd like to work on is the speakers release.  How far are
we from securing the final programme?
Many thanks

On 4 September 2012 15:33, Simon Cross
<simon.cross at praekeltfoundation.org>wrote:

> Greetings
> Jesse Noller has given me access to post announcements and update to
> the PyCon blog http://pycon.blogspot.com/. All posts need to include
> PyCon ZA in the title. We shouldn't abuse this privilege obviously but
> let's aim to post a few update between now and the conference.
> Schiavo
> Simon

Sam Manclark
| Better World Network | Speakers Corner |
+27 825565188 | +27 11 327 1540
skype | sammanclark
twitter | @sammanclark
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