[pycon-za] PyCon ZA website

Wendy Griffiths wendy at speakerscorner.co.za
Mon Jul 23 12:28:04 CEST 2012

Hi Simon

Thanks for working on this and sending it through on time, you are a legend.

I will taken a look at it too and see if there is anything from my side to

Kind Regards

Wendy Griffiths  I  Executive Producer I  Speakers Corner  I  +27 11 327
1540  I  +27 823775913  I www.speakerscorner.co.za  I skype: princesswendilz

On 23 July 2012 10:47, Simon Cross <simon.cross at praekeltfoundation.org>wrote:

> Hi Ruan and Euan
> Sam and Wendy said you needed a final website design and mini
> wireframe. I don't have any wireframes but I've attempted  a detailed
> outline of the site below. I'm basing my thinking on the EuroPython
> 2012 (https://ep2012.europython.eu/) and PyCon US 2013
> (https://us.pycon.org/2013/) sites.
> == Top navigation bar ==
> A black top navigation bar with links for:
>   * Home, About, Where, Schedule, Speakers, Sponsors
> The About button should have a sub-menu with:
>   * What is PyCon ZA?
>   * Diversity Statement (see Trello for content)
>   * Code of Conduct (see Trello for content)
>   * Staff Contact Information
> == Home ==
> Below the navigation bar I think it would be good to have a full-width
> area with the PyCon ZA logo and dates and buttons for registering as
> an attendee and offering a talk (e.g. as on
> https://ep2012.europython.eu/).
> Sponsorship logos should go below that (with a "Sponsor PyCon ZA"
> button that leads to the sponsor page).
> Those are the important things for the front page. Some copy about the
> conference will need to go below that but we can decide on what
> exactly to put there once we have a first draft.
> == Where ==
> At the top we need an official address for the venue and a map.
> Below that we need information about how to acquire accommodation (I
> have contact details for someone we could use to find accommodation
> for people if needed), advice on travelling to the venue and maybe
> something about important things to do in Cape Town.
> == Schedule ==
> The draft schedule document is at
> https://docs.google.com/a/praekeltfoundation.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArtGEjT77bXodHlZZU5kQzRkczl1RktaX2lBNFd0LUE#gid=0
> .
> I'd like the schedule page n the PyCon ZA site to become the canonical
> source of schedule information. A table of information with venues as
> columns and time slots as rows seems sensible. Days should be clearly
> separated. Entries should link to pages on the individual talks (we'll
> only have these once we have speakers). The link text should give the
> talk title and the name of the speaker (again we'll only have those
> later).
> == Speakers ==
> This will double both as a featured speakers page and as an
> information for speakers page. Featured speakers can go at the top
> once we have them (maybe a feature speaker box can be added to the
> front page eventually too). For the moment it just needs to say that
> we're looking for speakers, and what the format of talks is (30
> minutes plus 10 minutes for questions, potentially longer for keynotes
> if desired).
> == Sponsors ==
> This needs a big area with all the current sponsors at the top and
> information about how to sponsor below that. There are three
> sponsorship tiers (Platinum, Gold and Silver). Copy about the
> sponsorship options available should be obtained from Wendy, I think.
> == Registration and Speaker sign-up ==
> I think we went through all the information that needed to be capture
> previously. Shout if you need me to go look up my notes.
> I'm pretty sure that's enough to get started with. Hopefully I haven't
> left anything important out. Comments and feedback welcome. Shout if
> you'd like this thrown up onto a Google doc somewhere for editing (or
> feel free to do it and send me a link).
> Schiavo
> Simon
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