[pycon-za] Quicket integration with the PyCon ZA site

Neil Muller drnlmuller at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 16:24:07 CEST 2012

On 16 August 2012 15:38, Jonathan Endersby
<jonathan.endersby at praekeltconsulting.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I worry that we're breaking a nice clean UX to accomodate a small percentage
 of (admittedly important) guests.

I would expect a lot more people to want a credit card payment option
than just the foreign attendees [1]. I'd rather we keep it as an
option for everyone.

[1] For several academic grants, for instance, claiming back credit
card expenses is trivial, since that's how they expect the grant
holders to pay, but everthing else requires more paperwork.

Neil Muller
drnlmuller at gmail.com

I've got a gmail account. Why haven't I become cool?

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