[pycon-za] Promoting PyConZA through event guides and online communities

Simon Cross simon.cross at praekeltfoundation.org
Tue Aug 14 11:34:48 CEST 2012

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Mariska Du Preez | *mdp marketing
<mariska at mdpmarketing.co.za> wrote:
> I neglected to inform you about an agreement we made with Girl Geek
> Dinners Cape Town to sponsor 5 tickets for their members to the event.
> Gustav suggested a while ago we should try and get more girls at the event,
> and I suggested including GGDCPT, which he was happy with. Apologies for not
> communicating this arrangement earlier!

Cool. Sounds good. In future I would confirm free ticket give-aways
with Wendy and Sam because there are potentially budget implications
(obviously a few tickets isn't much but a bunch of similar promotions
will add up).

Please also bounce these sorts of ideas via pycon-za at python.org -- the
people on that list need to be kept in the loop (I think both Wendy
and Sam are on it too).

Btw, the upcoming Silicon Cape partnership adds another 3 free
tickets, which brings us to 8 in total. Wendy, is that okay with you?


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