[pycon-za] Getting the programme rolling

Gustav gustav at praekelt.com
Wed Aug 1 07:46:09 CEST 2012

Morning Simon et al

Some thoughts:

We should have something that is aimed at Python novices (not programming novices). Maybe this could be a tutorial? 

Python in action:
I would love to see projects that apply Python in the African environment to solve real problems. 

Maybe the format of these talks can be shorter (no more than 10-15 minute talks?). 

Examples: Unicef's work on Rapid in Uganda, Childcount, etc.


Twitter: gustavp 

On Wednesday 01 August 2012 at 2:49 AM, Simon Cross wrote:

> Greetings
> We're close to the point where we'll be calling for talks so I'd like
> to start a discussion about what kinds of things we'd like to be on
> the programme. The final programme obviously depends on finding
> speakers but I think we need to know what sorts of talks to push. I've
> started by listing of topics that seemed important to me below. Things
> that I thought we might want tutorials on I've marked with "(T)"
> although since tutorials are longer, space for those in the programme
> is going to be limited.
> If anyone has any topics to add, or thoughts on the direction of the
> programme, please reply.
> Possible topics:
> Core Python:
> * Python packaging (T)
> * Unit testing (T)
> * Python performance
> Web development:
> * Django (T)
> * GeoDjango
> * Flask
> Python for science, engineering and data crunching:
> * Scipy
> * Numpy
> * Pypy
> * Pandas
> * Spatial Data Infrastructures
> Python development for Mobiles:
> * Writing Android applications in Python
> * Mobile messaging with Python
> * Django for mobi sites (T)
> * Embedded Python
> Backend Python:
> * Twisted
> * Managing Cloud Servers (Fabric, Boto)
> * Monitoring (Diamond, Carbon, Graphite)
> * Writing Scalable Python programs
> Storing data:
> * SQLAlchemy
> * SQLObject
> * Accessing NoSQL datastores from Python
> Community development:
> * Getting involved with Python projects
> * Why you should take part in PyWeek
> People doing things with Python:
> * SKA
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