[Pycon-volunteers] PyCon 2017 - Swag Bag Setup Volunteer Information

Rami Chowdhury rami.chowdhury at gmail.com
Sun May 14 15:43:54 EDT 2017

Dear Volunteers,

We are less than one week away from PyCon! You are receiving this message because you have signed up to help set up the swag bag stuffing area. 

This will take place in the Oregon Convention Center in Exhibit Hall AB. Attached is a floor plan of where in the hall the swag bag stuffing will take place.

When: May 18 11am to 3pm
Where: exhibit hall AB, see floor plan attached
Who: each of you signed up for a different shift via bit.ly/PyCon2017-Volunteer-SwagSetup
Food: we will be supplying a quick lunch at around 11:30 (pizza and refreshments)

If you have any questions before the conference, please email us at pycon-volunteers at python.org!

Most importantly: Thank you so much for volunteering at PyCon. The time you put in helps our attendees have a great experience at the conference. We truly appreciate you taking the time to make PyCon 2017 the best PyCon yet!

Looking forward to seeing you all there,

Rami Chowdhury
Volunteer Coordinator

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