[Pycon-sprints] newcomer question

Chalmer Lowe chalmer.lowe at gmail.com
Tue May 9 11:53:50 EDT 2017


Yes. Please come.
The point of the workshop is to help attendees learn valuable skills and
tools, such as:
* git > version control
* virtual environments > project separation/isolation
* github > code sharing
* and more

These skills should be considered fundamental to good programming and
analysis, because git and virtualenvs, in particular, help you avoid
problems down the road with your own code EVEN if you never share your code
online or collaborate on code with others.

It just so happens that these OR similar skills are also necessary to
participate in open source (whether you do it at Pycon or from the comfort
of your home).

The workshop is designed to present you with multiple opportunities to do
hands-on so you can try this out in a safe environment with mentors and
coaches standing by to assist when you encounter hurdles.

So yes, come, learn, enjoy. Stay for as long as you can.



On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 3:08 AM Regan Huff <regan.huff at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear organizers:
> I am attending PyCon for the first time this year; I am a student at Ada
> Developers Academy, relatively new to programming and entirely new to
> development sprints. I would be interested in taking part in the
> Introduction to Sprints workshop on Sunday/Monday, but I can only stay for
> the sprints on Monday as I have to get back to class. Is it worthwhile to
> participate for such a short time?
> Many thanks for any advice you can offer --
> Best regards,
> Regan
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Chalmer Lowe, MS

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