[pycon-pune] Dates for PyCon Pune 2018!

rahul .poruri rahul.poruri at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 05:40:17 EDT 2017

> > Finally, are there any tutorial sessions being planned for this PyCon
> > Pune? There were none the last time, IIRC. I think there is enough
> > interest in basic and advanced tutorials, on topics ranging from Python
> > to the ecosystem of libraries we use on a daily basis.
> That idea is still kinda in play.  It's not final yet because we don't
> know yet how to schedule them in a manner that does not undermine the
> developer sprints and talks.  Nisha had expressed interest in doing a
> Python for kids tutorial and that seems like something that can run in
> parallel with the dev sprints, but for anything else, we will have to
> think a bit more.

I'm sorry for not being clear but I meant that the tutorial sessions could
happen before the conference i.e. on Wednesday. Again, this is what PyCon
US traditionally follows, AFAIK.

Organizing the tutorial sessions alongside dev sprints also makes sense
because not all conference participants might be up for the dev sprints.

> Also there is the problem of trying to do many things at once, we want
> to make sure we build up slowly through the years and not commit a
> massive budget in just our second conference :)

Ahh. Monies. Makes sense to take things slowly and be cautious with the

Also, I apologize if I'm poking my nose but is there a sponsorship
prospectus being worked on? I couldn't find one on last year's PyCon Pune

> That said, I'd say keep specific suggestions for tutorials coming in and
> we can then figure out if/how we can accommodate them.  If nothing, we
> could do something via reserved-bit that can lead up to the main
> conference.

Finally, I apologize to everyone for muddying this thread, which was meant
for something else entirely. If there is a different thread or avenue where
I can follow discussions on the organization of upcoming PyCon Pune, please
let know.

Rahul :)
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