[pycon-pune] Dates for PyCon Pune 2018!

rahul .poruri rahul.poruri at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 01:26:05 EDT 2017

> It is time to decide the dates for PyCon Pune 2018. The format of the
> event is the same as last year. We will be having two days for the
> conference followed by two days of developer sprints.

Can you tell me why the conference is scheduled during the week and the dev
sprints during the weekend?

I would highly recommend organizing the conference during the weekend and
the developer sprints during the week, which is how PyCon US 17 happened.
If there are tutorial sessions being planned, they could happen before the
weekend. This way, everyone can attend the actual conference without having
to take time off from their work.

We have three options for the dates and you have a chance to vote! The
> dates which get the most number of votes will be chosen for the event.
> The suggested dates (Thursday - Sunday) are as follows:
> * January 11 - January 14, 2018
> * January 18 - January 21, 2018
> * February 8 - February 11, 2018

Finally, I would suggest using something like doodle (http://doodle.com/)
for voting on which dates are comfortable with the most people. IMO It'd be
easier to get a summary than having to go through an email thread.


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