[Pycon-openspaces] Sugar Labs Activity Open Space

Anna Ossowski annabell.ossowski at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 08:40:59 EST 2019

Hi there,

This sounds good! When were you thinking about hosting the Open Space? Please let me know date and time and I’ll add it to the website.

Warm regards,

You are appreciated.
You are enough.
You matter.
You are not alone.

> On Feb 12, 2019, at 2:36 PM, IQRA MUHAMMAD <iqra.muhammad15 at ce.ceme.edu.pk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please see the description for sugar labs below: 
> SugarLabs <https://sugarlabs.org/> is a volunteer-driven member project of , (a non-profit foundation to produce and distribute and support the use of free software). 
> Originally part of the One Laptop Per Child project, Sugar Labs coordinates volunteers <https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugar_Labs/Getting_Involved> around the world who are passionate about providing educational opportunities to children through the Sugar Learning Platform.
> Sugar Labs  as a support base and gathering place for the community of educators and software developers who want to extend the platform and who have been creating Sugar-compatible applications. 
>  <>Education Goals
> Sugar is useful only to the extent it is used by the learning community. Thus, Sugar Labs is working with educators around the world to focus on these learning challenges:
> To make Sugar and Sugar activities freely and readily available to learners everywhere
> To explore and share best practices
> To provide a forum for discussion and support for technology for learning
>  <>Technical Goals
> Sugar supports the notions that learners should “share by default” and be able to “explore, express, debug, and critique.” Thus Sugar puts an emphasis on “activities” rather than “applications.” The foundation will focus on solving the challenges that are relevant to these aspects of the interface, namely:
> To make it “simple” to share Sugar activities. This will require an architecture that allows discovery of activities.
> To create versions of Sugar that run on multiple operating systems and on multiple hardware platforms. It should be “simple” to install Sugar everywhere. Specifically, it means packaging for every distribution and every virtual machine—removing hardware-related dependencies wherever possible.
> To make it “simple” to write Sugar activities. This necessitates stable APIs and example code that uses these APIs.
> To make Sugar activities even more secure. Our principal user community is comprised of children; they must be protected from malware, phishing, botnets, 
> Regards,

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