[Pycon-openspaces] Kicking Off the Open Spaces Planning!!!

Hobson Lane hobsonlane at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 19:17:40 EST 2017

Thank you Anna! That helps a ton!


On Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 3:14 PM, Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>

> Sounds good, Hobson!
> Just to summarize, a couple of tasks and ideas from the last 2 years were:
> *Tasks*
> * Adding the Open Spaces section to the PyCon website
> * Writing a blog post promoting the Open Spaces (to be published about a
> month before the conference)
> * Monitoring the Open Spaces board onsite and tidying up around it
> * Promoting the Open Spaces during the conference via our private Twitter
> accounts and the Open Spaces bot
> * Asking the PyCon Chair to mention the Open Spaces in their remarks at
> PyCon
> * Making sure the Open Spaces are mentioned in Guidebook
> *Ideas/Feedback*
> - How can we make the Open Spaces board more visible?
> - Can we grid the Open Spaces schedule according to the talk schedule?
> Open Spaces slots and talk slots don’t start and end at the same times
> which means people sometimes miss two talks in order to attend an Open
> Space.
> - Can we provide paper + pens + tape so people can label their Open Spaces
> rooms and people know which Open Space is happening in which room at any
> given time without having to check the board constantly.
> ——
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
> On Nov 6, 2017, at 11:57 PM, Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Anna, I've been swamped adjusting to a new job. I'll make that
> announcement to PyCon staff this week. I'll try to use GitHub for
> issue/feature tracking since that's what Zak and I are using for the
> twitter bot. Will fall back to Trello if GitHub doesn't meet our needs.
> --Hobson
> On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Anna Ossowski <
> annabell.ossowski at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I hope you’re all well!
>> I thought it would be a good idea to officially kick off the planning of
>> the PyCon US 2018 Open Spaces before the holidays hit everyone. May may
>> still seem a long time away but it’s never too early to start planning :)
>> In the past I have used a Trello board (please let me know if you don’t
>> have access) to keep track of ideas and tasks but I am open to using
>> something different. I do think that using some sort of project management
>> tool, whether that’s something like Trello or GitHub, makes sense and makes
>> things a little easier.
>> Maybe we can start by discussing what went well last year, what didn’t go
>> as planned, and any ideas we would like to implement for 2018.
>> Looking forward to working with all of you again!
>> Anna
>> ——
>> You are appreciated.
>> You are enough.
>> You matter.
>> You are not alone.
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