[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces blog post

Brandon Rhodes pycon.brandon at gmail.com
Mon May 15 19:07:33 EDT 2017

Anna, so that you get credit as author, could you quickly paste the text
into a "New post" here?


Don't bother spending your own busy time formatting etc, as I'll be happy
to do that; I just want you to get credit for the work or writing, and to
help people associate you with the Open Spaces in case they have questions
on-site. Thanks!

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 4:31 PM, Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>

> Hey all!
> I’m back in office for today before flying to Portland tomorrow. Thank you
> all for your great work during my absence.
> I just wanted to check if the blog post has been published. We were aiming
> for May 15 as the publishing date.
> Also are we good to go otherwise or is there anything else we need to work
> on/discuss?
> I’m brining a friend to Portland with me and we are driving out to the
> coast tomorrow and spending a night there before returning to Portland on
> Wednesday. I will check my emails tomorrow evening and plan to be at the
> staff dinner on Wednesday. In any emergencies you can reach me at
> 636.465.4916 <(636)%20465-4916>.
> So excited for PyCon and looking forward to seeing you!
> Anna
> ---------------------------------
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
> On May 1, 2017, at 11:17 PM, Anna Ossowski <annabell.ossowski at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello Brandon!
> I am currently still visiting friends in Nebraska and super busy. I had
> something come up and decided to extend my trip to help out a friend here.
> Next week I will be at OSCON all week. I won’t have time to take a look at
> the blog post until the weekend of May 13 at the earliest. The blog post
> was good to go on my end, I just thought we needed to add one sentence
> about the hashtag and the bot. Once that has been added, it is good to go
> as far as I’m concerned. Also agree with Ewa about the blog post going out
> closer to the conference. May 13/14 is a weekend though and people don’t
> check social media as much on the weekends so maybe either May 12 or May 15?
> Hobson and/or Trey, could one of you please take a look at the blog post
> and give the final go? I appreciate your help during my absence.
> Warm regards,
> Anna
> ---------------------------------
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
> On May 1, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Ewa Jodlowska <ewa at python.org> wrote:
> IMO, it should go out closer to the conference. May 13th or May 14th even.
> Best regards,
> Ewa
> Director of Operations
> Python Software Foundation
> Cell: 415-319-5237 <(415)%20319-5237>
> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 7:33 PM, Brandon Rhodes <pycon.brandon at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Hi all! Thank you for the great work! I currently don’t have time to
>>> catch up with the conversation but I’ll do so when I’m back next week.
>>> +1 on the blog post text. Thank you, Zak! Thank you for snagging those
>>> two Twitter handles. …
>> Anna, at this point do I need to be waiting for you to catch up, or is
>> the blog post text pretty much ready to go at this point? When you think
>> it's ready, please visit the blog https://www.blogger.com/b
>> logger.g?blogID=11638628 and create a new draft post and paste the text
>> in, so that you get properly credited as the author. Let me know once it's
>> up, and I'll do a final proofread and get it ready for release!
>> When should this go out? This week? Or next week, when it's even closer
>> to the conference? Which would have the most impact, do you think?
>> --
>> Brandon Rhodes
>> PyCon 2017 Conference Chair
>> pycon.brandon at gmail.com
> ---------------------------------
> You are appreciated.
> You are enough.
> You matter.
> You are not alone.
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Brandon Rhodes
PyCon 2017 Conference Chair
pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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