[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces 2017 Kick Off!

Hobson Lane hobsonlane at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 13:24:15 EST 2017

Regarding the tweeter:

* Open spaces organizers will have a throttle to limit the tweet rate/volume
* Organizers will control a spam prefilter to minimize their curation effort
* Anna is monitoring the development effort, helping to incorporate
features suggested by PyCon organizers
* We can tweet from whatever account pycon organizers would like

Deciding a tweet-from account is important, but doesn't have to be made
until after PyCon organziers have had a chance to test the tweeter on a
private slack channel over an extended period of time, including pen
testing the bot with spam/hack DMs on twitter. Possibilities for the
twitter username include @pyconopenspaces or a name completely
unassocciated with PyCon publicly, but completely under PyCon organizer
control. And depending on the address, the tweets would be taylored to that
account's content plan and would be under that account maintainer's control.

(503) 974-6274
gh <https://github.com/hobson/> twtr <https://twitter.com/hobsonlane> li
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/hobsonlane> g+
<http://plus.google.com/+HobsonLane/> so

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Brandon Rhodes <pycon.brandon at gmail.com>

> Good evening, everyone! I am finally caught up after my whirlwind of
> holiday travel, and am now happily ensconced at home for the winter where I
> can now keep abreast of things and watch the weather forecast for
> snowstorms.
> In no particular order, here are some responses to all of the great ideas
> that you have generated on this thread over the past week:
>    - I like the idea of having Guidebook make people aware of the Open
>    Spaces! I am not exactly sure how that would fit into the app because I do
>    not have enough experience of it to have a clear idea of how its navigation
>    works, but I am happy that your committee will be looking into where Open
>    Spaces will fit.
>    - A blog post is a great idea! We should aim for fairly close to the
>    conference, since Open Spaces can't be scheduled far in advance — last year
>    we did an April blog post, and that feels about right for this year as well.
>    - I agree that the printed schedule this year should somehow, if room
>    permits, show that the Open Spaces happen in parallel with the talks. When
>    we design the brochure, we'll show you the result and let you know whether
>    it wound up fitting. And using the printed schedule will, I agree, be a
>    more feasible approach than trying to have the registration people deliver
>    the information to people who are busy registering and probably wouldn't
>    absorb it anyway.
>    - Open Spaces can indeed continue during sprints; I have no problem
>    with them overlapping.
>    - I agree that attendees need an introduction to the conference, and
>    that the introduction should introduce Open Spaces! Last year I tried
>    mentioning Open Spaces in my half-hour introduction to the conference,
>    designed to let people know how to get the most out of it:
>    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckW1xuGVpug
>    Fast forward to about 19:00 for the segment on Open Spaces. For 2017,
>    I hope to do something similar, because I think that a reminder of
>    everything that goes on at the conference is good for everyone, not just
>    the smaller self-selected audience we would get if we only gave this
>    information at a for-beginners event.
>    Please let me know how the Open Spaces segment can be improved to
>    provide more context and to better situate them in attendees' minds as
>    things that go on at the same time as the main talks schedule.
>    - I did wish last year that there was someone, or a group of
>    volunteers instead of just one, who would tweet 15 minutes before every
>    hour about what Open Spaces are happening. “Coming up in 15 minutes, Open
>    Spaces on: Astronomy; SciPy; Hardware; Diversity” or something like that,
>    based on walking by the board and reading the cards. I am not sure whether
>    subscribers wlil want to hear N tweets about the N events per hour, and I
>    am not sure that organizers will want to have to issue a tweet about their
>    event (do they all even have Twitter?) in addition to getting a card up on
>    the board. But I am not going to insist on any particular approach; there
>    are lots of ways that Twitter and the Open Spaces could interact, and as
>    long as it doesn't involve lots of tweets from the main conference Twitter
>    account, I'm happy to have y'all on the committee experiment with whatever
>    idea interests you most.
>    - I am not sure we should add a blank Open Spaces schedule to the
>    Schedule drop-down on the site. (1) It would make organizers think they can
>    sign up ahead of time, but they can't. (2) People would see it blank in the
>    days before the conference and conclude that something was wrong, or that
>    Open Spaces weren't really going to happen, because generally conferences
>    only have schedule grids up because they have data to put in them.
>    I will, however, definitely plan to re-post my
>    https://us.pycon.org/2016/events/ <https://us.pycon.org/2016/events/>
>    “Overview” page again this year as we release the schedule and, as you can
>    see, it (probably similarly to what you were thinking about the printed
>    brochure?) depicts the Open Spaces as happening simultaneously with the
>    Talks.
>    - The problem with a Twitter hashtag is that people might think
>    they're supposed to subscribe to it if they're interested in Open Spaces,
>    but you can't control the amount of abuse that is delivered by people who
>    figure that out, because Twitter doesn't let you control what's tweeted
>    under a hashtag.
> There, I think that covers the main points that have been raised so far?
> Feel free to make further comments on any of these matters, and I'll try to
> respond with a much shorter ping time now that I'm home and back in the
> loop! Thanks again for all of your thoughtful work to make Open Spaces ever
> more awesome. :)
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> Thank you, Ewa :)
>> ---------------------------------
>> You are appreciated.
>> You are enough.
>> You matter.
>> You are not alone.
>> On Jan 11, 2017, at 4:27 PM, Ewa Jodlowska <ewa at python.org> wrote:
>> I have given Trey edit privileges on CMS pages just in case that is
>> needed.
>> Best regards,
>> Ewa
>> Director of Operations
>> Python Software Foundation
>> Cell: 415-319-5237 <(415)%20319-5237>
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Maybe there is a way to automate this as much as possible and keep
>>> monitoring of the bot at a minimum but still make sure we don’t get a bunch
>>> of spammy or CoC violating tweets. Would love to hear Hobson’s and Trey’s
>>> thoughts on this.
>>> Trey, would you have time to help with the grid or could you let me know
>>> what the best way to do this is so I can create it myself?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Anna
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> You are appreciated.
>>> You are enough.
>>> You matter.
>>> You are not alone.
>>> On Jan 10, 2017, at 4:36 PM, Ewa Jodlowska <ewa at python.org> wrote:
>>> I agree with Anna about the bot. I don't want you all to take on a work
>>> load that will make you uncomfortable onsite.
>>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 6:15 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> I support Trey’s idea of making more prominent on the website that the
>>>> Open Spaces are an event that takes place parallel to the talks and isn’t
>>>> an evening event like the PyLadies auction and the PyCon dinners for
>>>> example.
>>>> Adding a grid to the Open Spaces page, as well as moving the Open
>>>> Spaces page from the Events to the Schedule tab, are both great ideas.
>>> I think this makes perfect sense and I can help with that. Once you have
>>> a grid up and it looks like a schedule, I can definitely move it over to
>>> the Schedule tab.
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> --
> Brandon Rhodes
> PyCon 2016 Conference Chair
> pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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