[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces Update

Brandon Rhodes pycon.brandon at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 10:05:04 EDT 2016

That makes sense! One problem with English is that the reader can never
tell whether "you" means one person, as I was assuming, or means a whole
group of people, which is how you are actually intending on sending this
letter. :)

In that case I would throw out my sentence:

“We noticed that you are involved in a Python project that PyCon attendees
might be interested in — and we wanted to get you thinking about hosting an
open space at PyCon this year.”

and replace it with something like:

“We know that your group might have several members attending PyCon — and
we wanted to get you thinking about hosting an open space at the conference
this year.”

Or, you know, something like that.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 9:50 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Thank you for your edits Brandon! It sounds much better now :)
> My original idea was to email groups of people like the PyLadies, the
> Django Girls, etc. When emailing groups it is pretty likely that at least 1
> person will attend PyCon and they might be able/willing to share our email
> with people subscribed to their mailing list, etc. For individual people
> I’m not quite sure. I guess we would have to check whether they are
> registered for PyCon (if there’s a way for us to do that) or not.
> Any thoughts on this, Hobson?
> Best,
> Anna
> -----
> https://calendly.com/ossanna16/
> Am 21.03.2016 um 14:42 schrieb Brandon Rhodes <pycon.brandon at gmail.com>:
> Thank you, Anna!
> Here is a light edit for you to consider — the main tweak that I made was
> to change the idea of the “open spaces headquarters” to the official name
> “Open Spaces Committee” so that they realize who, exactly, on the
> conference Staff web page you correspond to. :)
> Oh, and I also mentioned up front that the meeting rooms are free, so that
> they realize they don't have to pay.
> How are you going to make sure it only goes to people attending PyCon, and
> not people who are skipping this year, or who missed the deadline and are
> sad?
> Thanks again, everyone! It's so much fun to have a whole committee excited
> about Open Spaces this year. :)
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Hello [insert name],
> It’s only a few more weeks until PyCon 2016 in Portland, Oregon! We on the
> Open Spaces Committee are getting really excited. We noticed that you are
> involved in a Python project that PyCon attendees might be interested in —
> and we wanted to get you thinking about hosting an open space at PyCon this
> year.
> Open spaces are little one-hour meetups during the three main conference
> days, held in free meeting rooms that PyCon provides. People come together
> and talk about their favorite topics and ideas, or enjoy activities like
> yoga, painting their nails, and playing board games. Any topic that two or
> more attendees are interested in, or any activity that more than two people
> would like to do, is a great candidate for an open space.
> You may ask: what’s so awesome about the open spaces? They offer groups
> the ability to self-gather, self-define, and self-organize in a way that
> often doesn’t happen anywhere else at PyCon.
> The first opportunity to reserve an open space slot will be during the
> PyCon opening reception. For more information regarding the open spaces,
> please see this [blog post](insert link to Anna’s blog post).
> If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our committee at
> pycon-openspaces at python.org.
> We look forward to a great PyCon US 2016 and to many great open spaces!
> Anna Ossowski, Kinga Kieczkowska, & Hobson Lane
> -----------------------------

Brandon Rhodes
PyCon 2016 Conference Chair
pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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