[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces planning

Hobson Lane hobsonlane at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 13:31:36 EST 2016

I think you might be right, Brandon. An opt-in push approach might be all
that's needed. A link to an iCal and Coogle calendar item for each open
space might be the easiest way to accomplish that opt-in "reminder" feature.

(503) 974-6274
gh <https://github.com/hobson/> twtr <https://twitter.com/hobsonlane> li
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On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Brandon Rhodes <pycon.brandon at gmail.com>

> I suspect that open spaces are simply hard for people to keep up with
> because we do a “pull model” — people have to go walk up to the board and
> read all the little cards to see what is going on. I wonder what would
> happen if we, every hour 15 minutes before the start of the next slots,
> just tweeted a brief tweet like:
> 3pm Open Spaces: Robotics! PyLadies organizers! New web frameworks!
> Astronomy!
> The downside is that it would make our Twitter account very noisy. If
> there were a separate @pycon_open_spaces Twitter account that we
> advertised, I wonder how many people would follow it? Or maybe it should be
> @pycon_events or @pycon_alerts and we could also tweet “lightning talks in
> 15 minutes!” and “PyLadies auction starts at 7pm” and so forth? Or maybe
> the mobile app has an alerts channel that people could subscribe to, or a
> way that we could update Open Spaces 15 minutes before every hour so that
> they came up in everyone's mobile app?
> Of course I might be crazy. But it feels like there should be a way for
> people to ask for Open Spaces notifications to be pushed their direction,
> instead of having to remember to go walk across the whole conference center
> and back to the Open Spaces board to see what is going on the next hour.
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>> That’s an interesting thought. Thank you for explaining that to me,
>> Hobson!
>> So I’m a bit torn. On the one hand I understand the issue and think
>> polling might be a good idea, on the other hand the big advantage of the
>> Open Spaces is that they are very „free“ and informal in a way, unlike
>> talks, which are chosen based on what people would like to see so if we did
>> a poll I’m afraid we might scare people away from Open Spaces or put some
>> sort of pressure on them to offer what others want to see and not what they
>> would like their Open Space to be about. In general I’m a fan of letting
>> people do what they love.
>> If we did the poll beforehand it would also be an issue that our list of
>> topics wouldn’t be extensive because people tend to come up with topics at
>> PyCon spontaneously. I wonder if we could put up a second board and somehow
>> facilitate a poll onsite but that’s just a thought.
>> Maybe Kinga and Brandon can chime in. I’d be interested in their opinion
>> on this.
>> Thank you!
>> Anna
>> Am 18.01.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com>:
>> Gotcha. Perhaps polling would still be a way to inform organizers about
>> the interests of their audience. It's also a good way to inform attendees
>> about open spaces and get their "buy-in" for the range of topics/activities
>> offered. Some of the open spaces seemed lightly attended in past years. I
>> know when I hosted an open space last year, I would have benefited from
>> such a survey. Only one person showed up to my open space on neural nets.
>> If I'd known the interest level was so low I might have adjusted my topic
>> and activity suggestion a bit.
>> --Hobson
>> --Hobson
>> (503) 974-6274
>> gh <https://github.com/hobson/> twtr <https://twitter.com/hobsonlane> li
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/hobsonlane> g+
>> <http://plus.google.com/+HobsonLane/> so
>> <http://stackoverflow.com/users/623735/hobs>
>> On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 8:32 AM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> Thank you Hobson!
>>> I just wanted to clarify what our job as the Open Space committee is to
>>> make sure we’re all on the same page. Our main job is to facilitate the
>>> Open Spaces, which means we make it possible for people to organize their
>>> own little Open Spaces by providing rooms, a sign up board, ideas for Open
>>> Spaces, general infrastructure, and promotion. Our job is not to organize
>>> each little Open Space ourselves. The PyCon attendees will pick a topic,
>>> pick a room and a time onsite themselves. Onsite our main job will be to
>>> make sure to put up the sign up board everyday, monitor the board and make
>>> sure the Open Space topics are CoC appropriate, document the topics, and be
>>> there in case of questions.
>>> I hope this clarifies while voting on topics for example is not
>>> necessary as the people will sort of make that decision for themselves
>>> onsite :)
>>> Have a good week everyone and please feel free to add new cards, assign
>>> yourselves to cards, etc.
>>> Anna
>>> Am 15.01.2016 um 21:46 schrieb Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com>:
>>> Thank you. I may not have been logging on or searching for boards
>>> correctly. I see it now, and I added a couple cards. Feel free to edit or
>>> delete anything I put up.
>>> --Hobson
>>> On Jan 15, 2016 6:02 AM, "Anna Ossowski" <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi Hobson,
>>>> I must have added the wrong Hobson Lane (user name hobsonlane) the
>>>> first time. That’s strange because I used your email address to find you.
>>>> Anyway, just readded you under the right user name :)
>>>> Anna
>>>> Am 15.01.2016 um 14:49 schrieb Hobson Lane <hobsonlane at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Anna,
>>>> I cant find the Open Space trello board under my user name "hobs".
>>>> Could you re-add me?
>>>> --Hobson
>>>> On Jan 14, 2016 10:20 AM, "Anna Ossowski" <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Hobson and Kinga,
>>>>> I hope you’re both well!
>>>>> It’s the new year and PyCon is happening in just a few months. While
>>>>> our main work won’t start until closer to the conference, I just wanted to
>>>>> check in with both of you so we can start planning.
>>>>> I just created a Trello board for us, which I added both of you to. If
>>>>> you didn’t get added for some reason, please let me know your Trello name
>>>>> and I’ll add you again. Trello is a great tool for planning and
>>>>> collaboration so I thought it would be useful for us.
>>>>> I created 5 boards so far „To Do“, „In Progress“, „Done“, To Contact“,
>>>>> and „Ideas“. Please feel free to create new boards, add cards, or move
>>>>> cards around. I would also like to encourage you to assign yourself to
>>>>> tasks that you would like to tackle. I think the board names are pretty
>>>>> self-explanatory :) When you start working on a task, please just move it
>>>>> to the „In Progress“ board and when it’s done please move it to the „Done“
>>>>> board.
>>>>> My guess is that we should start working on things in March at the
>>>>> latest to have enough time to get everything done before PyCon starts at
>>>>> the end of May but there are things we can start preparing now so feel free
>>>>> to tackle tasks whenever you have time. The only thing we should wait with
>>>>> until closer to PyCon is contacting people. If we contact them too early
>>>>> people might forget about it.
>>>>> If you have any questions or need anything, please feel free to
>>>>> contact me anytime :)
>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>> Anna
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> --
> Brandon Rhodes
> PyCon 2016 Conference Chair
> pycon.brandon at gmail.com
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