[Pycon-openspaces] Open Spaces planning

Hobson Lane hobsonlane at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 00:53:20 EST 2016

Thanks, Anna, I'll take a look.
On Jan 14, 2016 10:20 AM, "Anna Ossowski" <ossanna16 at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello Hobson and Kinga,
> I hope you’re both well!
> It’s the new year and PyCon is happening in just a few months. While our
> main work won’t start until closer to the conference, I just wanted to
> check in with both of you so we can start planning.
> I just created a Trello board for us, which I added both of you to. If you
> didn’t get added for some reason, please let me know your Trello name and
> I’ll add you again. Trello is a great tool for planning and collaboration
> so I thought it would be useful for us.
> I created 5 boards so far „To Do“, „In Progress“, „Done“, To Contact“, and
> „Ideas“. Please feel free to create new boards, add cards, or move cards
> around. I would also like to encourage you to assign yourself to tasks that
> you would like to tackle. I think the board names are pretty
> self-explanatory :) When you start working on a task, please just move it
> to the „In Progress“ board and when it’s done please move it to the „Done“
> board.
> My guess is that we should start working on things in March at the latest
> to have enough time to get everything done before PyCon starts at the end
> of May but there are things we can start preparing now so feel free to
> tackle tasks whenever you have time. The only thing we should wait with
> until closer to PyCon is contacting people. If we contact them too early
> people might forget about it.
> If you have any questions or need anything, please feel free to contact me
> anytime :)
> Thank you!
> Anna
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