[Pycon-interest] Talk proposal: Using reST

Steve Holden sholden@holdenweb.com
Tue Nov 26 02:29:00 2002

> On Monday 25 November 2002 02:14 pm, Brett Cannon wrote:
> > It was suggested to me that I consider giving a talk at PyCon on
> > using ReStructured Text (reST)  since I use it on the python-dev
> > Summaries. Since I have never done this kind of thing before, I am
> > not sure what the commmittee needs from me.
> And the committee is still working on an answer to this question. We
> just sent out the call for papers and are a little behind on figuring
> out what exactly we will need in the way of proposals. I think we
> should have an answer for you shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday.
> > If I did do this I would go over uses of reST, through reST syntax,
> > possible gotchas that could throw someone, the tools that are
> > included with docutils and how to use them, and if time allows the
> > general module layout.  I can mention design ideas, but that is
> > really David Goodger's thing since he helped design reST.
> > Unfortunately David doesn't think he will be able to make it to PyCon
> > so the other suggestion given to me of David talking about design and
> > then me covering use will not work.
> Sounds like a good idea to me. I keep meaning to work with reST, but
> haven't had the time to get over the initial hurdle.
> > So, does the committee need a more formal outline of what I would do?
> Yes. And we should have our requirements in order shortly.
> >  Or perhaps the committee should first decide whether this talk
> > should really be given (doesn't fit cleanly with the "Popularizing
> > Python" theme; kind of does only because people can use reST outside
> > of Python and thus garner some notice for the language)?  What is the
> > next step in the process?
> I personally think it is a fine idea. One interpretation of
> "Popularizing Python" is popularizing certain tools and practices
> within our own community, which will make up the bulk of the attendees
> to this conference. So while the theme talks about popularizing, we
> still expect the conference to be predominately Python programmers
> (though with different levels of experience).
> > -Brett Cannon
> >
> > P.S.: It looks like I am going to be involved in planning PyCon, but
> > I will in no way use  that  position to comment on this proposal; in
> > the name of fairness and such I will stay quiet.
> Great. We'll take all the help we can get. And I wouldn't worry too much
> about unfair positions. This conference is put on *by* Python
> developers *for* Python developers. So the odds are high that several
> of the organizers may also submit proposals. I think we can handle that
> without any scandals.
I'm wondering where the assumption that PyCon is for Python developers comes
from? I don't ever remember writing anything that implied it was a
developers' conference.

I think it will be very useful to have the support of the developers, but I
thought the main purpose was to run a conference that would attract
attendance from those who couldn't make it to the IPCs for reasons of cost.
While I hav only attended one IPC, I got the impression that a large portion
of the development team was there, and I presume they will also be planning
to attends OSCON.

Summary: developers will be a welcome mainstay for PyCon, but I certainly
wouldn't want any of the publicity to suggest that if you aren't a Python
developer you won't find the conference interesting. "Popularizing Python"
is also intended to make the language more popular in the user community.

Steve Holden                                  http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming                 http://pydish.holdenweb.com/pwp/
Previous .sig file retired to                    www.homeforoldsigs.com

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