[PyAthens] [ENG] EuroPython 2011: call for paper is ending - Please spread the word!

Francesco Pallanti fpallanti at develer.com
Wed Mar 30 17:49:57 CEST 2011

Hi all,
I'm Francesco and I am writing on behalf of "Python Italia APS", a
no-profit association promoting EuroPython conference.

Europython End of Call for Presentations is April 6th. I'd like to ask
to you to forward this mail to anyone that you feel may be interested.

We're looking for proposals on every aspects of Python: programming from
novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how you have
been involved in introducing Python into your organisation.

**First-time speakers are especially welcome**; EuroPython is a
community conference and we are eager to hear about your experience. If
you have friends or colleagues who have something valuable to
contribute, twist their arms to tell us about it!

Presenting at EuroPython
We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on academic
and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As long as the
presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the Python
community, it will be considered for inclusion in the programme.

Can you show the conference-goers something new and useful? Can you show
attendees how to: use a module? Explore a Python language feature?
Package an application? If so, consider submitting a talk.

Talks and hands-on trainings
There are two different kind of presentations that you can give as a
speaker at EuroPython:

 * **Regular talk**. These are standard "talk with slides", allocated in
slots of 45, 60 or 90 minutes, depending on your preference and
scheduling constraints. A Q&A session is held at the end of the talk.
 * **Hands-on training**. These are advanced training sessions for a
smaller audience (10-20 people), to dive into the subject with all
details. These sessions are 4-hours long, and audience will be strongly
encouraged to bring a laptop to experiment. They should be prepared with
less slides and more source code. If possible, trainers will also give a
short "teaser talk" of 30 minutes the day before the training, to tease
delegates into attending the training.

In the talk submission form, we assume that you intend to give a regular
talk on the subject, but you will be asked if you are available for also
doing a hands-on training on the very same subject.

Speakers that will give a hands-on training are rewarded with a **free
entrance** to EuroPython to compensate for the longer preparation
required, and might also be eligible for a speaking fee (which we cannot
confirm at the moment).

Topics and goals
Specific topics for EuroPython presentations include, but are not
limited to:

- Core Python
- Other implementations: Jython, IronPython, PyPy, and Stackless
- Python libraries and extensions
- Python 3.x migration
- Databases
- Documentation
- GUI Programming
- Game Programming
- Network Programming
- Open Source Python projects
- Packaging Issues
- Programming Tools
- Project Best Practices
- Embedding and Extending
- Science and Math
- Web-based Systems

Presentation goals usually are some of the following:

- Introduce audience to a new topic they are unaware of
- Introduce audience to new developments on a well-known topic
- Show audience real-world usage scenarios for a specific topic (case
- Dig into advanced and relatively-unknown details on a topic
- Compare different options in the market on a topic

Community-based talk voting
This year, for the first time in EuroPython history, the talk voting
process is fully public. Every partecipant gains the right to vote for
talks submitted during the Call For Papers, as soon as they commit to
their presence at the conference by buying a ticket. See all the details
in the talk voting[1] page.

For any further question, feel free to contact the organizers at
info at pycon.it. Thank you!

[1]: http://ep2011.europython.eu/talk-voting

Francesco Pallanti - fpallanti at develer.com
Develer S.r.l. - http://www.develer.com/
.software  .hardware  .innovation
Tel.: +39 055 3984627 - ext.: 215

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