[PyAR2] Wanna help plan pyArkansas 2013, continued...

Chad Cooper chad.cooper at pyarkansas.org
Wed Feb 13 18:42:26 CET 2013

Well, I guess it would help to give some information on how to get
involved, huh? The easiest and best way is to join our pyar2-organizers
list at:


Once you are signed up, feel free send the group an email to introduce
yourself and how you'd like to help out. If anyone has any questions,
please email me anytime at chad.cooper at pyarkansas.org.

Thanks again...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chad Cooper <chad.cooper at pyarkansas.org>
Date: Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 11:12 AM
Subject: Wanna help plan pyArkansas 2013?
To: pyar2 <pyar2 at python.org>

Hello. Planning for pyArkansas 2013 is about to get underway, and we need
volunteers to help. Remember, pyArkansas is run completely by volunteers,
so if you want it to be great, then give us hand in creating it (we'd
really appreciate it). There's always TONS to do, and this year we could
especially use the help of someone to spiff up the design of our
If you are a design/CSS ninja and would like to help out, or you know
someone that might, please get in touch with me at the email below. Some
things that always need done:

   1. Getting sponsors
   2. Spreading the word on pyArkansas
   3. Getting speakers
   4. Web site maintenance/copy creation/blog posts
   5. Swag, always a big job
   6. Creation of the print program
   7. Nametags
   8. ...everything else that I'm missing...

Last year was our biggest and best year yet, let's try and top it again in


chad.cooper at pyarkansas.org
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