[PyAR2] Fwd: [PyAR2-organizers] Facility and Web Page

Chad Cooper supercooper at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 17:18:25 CEST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Greg Lindstrom" <gslindstrom at gmail.com>
Date: Jul 7, 2012 8:09 AM
Subject: [PyAR2-organizers] Facility and Web Page
To: "pyAR2 Organizers" <pyar2-organizers at python.org>

Hello All,

I had a chance to visit the conference facility at UCA on Thursday and it
is very nice.  We would have up to 6 rooms for the day equipped with sound
and projectors seating from 25 - 50 each.  Two of the rooms could be
combined for a large meeting room to have an opening session -- something
we have wanted from the start.  The cost for the day would be around $1,000
and would be billed after the event (we can apply for reduced fees when we
get the paperwork but there are no promises).  They would supply 1 computer
per room for the projector but, I suspect, our speakers would have their
own boxes.  There would not be computers for attendees and we have asked
about us plugging in power strips.  There is ample parking near the front
door and a nice welcome area for registration.

We can rent the rooms for the day or for 1/2 day.  I think we should
reserve everything for the day and use the large room for a welcome and
"keynote" session (who to talk??).  Would we want to do some short
"lightning talks"?  Perhaps each of the teachers could give 3-5 minutes on
what they are going to present.  Or, do we want to get a speaker?  Jeff
Rush does a great talk on Python (history, community, etc.).

Having 6 rooms would allow us to have more talks and we could stay until 4,
giving us another hour (we have to be out at 4:30, though!).  That is A LOT
of time to fill and we have to get people from our community to step up a
present talks.

We must use the UCA caterer if we want snacks, etc. and it is VERY
EXPENSIVE (for example, having punch/lemonade runs $15.99 a gallon). It
would be nice to have coffee/juice/donuts in the AM and some sort of snack
in the afternoon and we are looking at getting someone to sponsor food.

Tee shirts?  I'll ask my graphic artist to design something -- any of you
can submit ideas, too -- and get an estimate on costs.  That would be
another great way for someone to sponsor us.

I think "officially" Coop is the chair this year and I am the co-chair or
chair-emeritus so he will get the final say, but IMHO we have to get things

   1. Financial support of the PSF.  This will allow us to claim NPO status
   and will help with fund raising.  The PSF has agreed to do this and both
   Coop and I have contacted the PSF treasurer, Kurt Kaiser. Coop, have you
   heard anything??
   2. We need a web presence to get the word out.  It will have to allow
   people to register so we have an idea as to the number of people going to
   come (we may want to cap attendance to 150 people).  I would also like it
   to have a feature allowing people to donate to the "future pyArkansas
   fund".  Ohio does this and I think it's a great idea.
   3. Once we get set up we need to start raising $$

Folks, our humble litter conference is growing up; moving to a conference
center may seem like a small step but we are now looking at real financial
commitments and to Coop and me, that's a really big deal.  In the past, the
two of us have done most of the "heavy lifting" but, if this is going to
happen, we need your help.  Larry and Katie have committed to helping and
Chenyi will help out in any way he can, but WE NEED YOU to start taking
ownership -- did I really just write that?? -- of areas and run with it.
We badly need a web site; who is going to take it and MAKE IT HAPPEN?
Other areas include:

   - Fund raising
   - Publicity
   - Swag/Door Prizes
   - Program Committee
   - Food
   - Tee Shirts
   - Other??

I'd like us to have either a Skype or IRC meeting next week.  How about
Tuesday at 3 (can skype do conference calls??).  We are almost 3 months out
and need to get cooking.


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