[PyAR2] PyAr 2011

Gloria W aagg at comcast.net
Sat May 7 17:18:45 CEST 2011

>     * Has anyone set up a non-profit?  It's something we need to do,
>       but I don't have the time or know-how.  Anyone?
I am setting up a non-profit in the next two weeks. I am forming this to 
help me run PyGotham in NYC, where tax-deductible donations are much 
easier to come by than non-tax-deductible ones. but another goal I had 
was for it to operate as an umbrella org for non-profit fund rasing for 
conferences. It will be a 501(c)(3) operating from New Jersey. I am 
currently looking into the implications of state tax, if there are any, 
for a non-profit registered in one state but operating in another. But I 
understand all of the other legal issues, and I have two officers 
willing to go in with me.

You are definitely welcome to use it for PyAR. I will let you know when 
it's functional and the bank account is ready to receive donations.

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