[PyAR2] pyArkansas - 2 Weeks Out

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Sat Oct 2 17:14:16 CEST 2010

On 10/02/2010 07:42 AM, Greg Lindstrom wrote:
> 8:30-9:00 - Registration
> 9:00-10:15: Morning Session I
> A.  Introduction to Python (Dr. Carl Burch)
> B.  Python Teach-In (Brad Allen and Volunteers)
> C. Data Visulization with Python (W. Emeneker)
> D. Intro to the Google Application Engine (Chris Harris)
> 10:15-10:30 - Break.  Allow people to deposit their tickets for door prizes.
> 10:30-11:30 - Morning Session II
> A.  Introduction to Python (cont)
> B.  Python Teach In (cont)
> C.  Introduction to GUI Programming (Wayne Werner)
> D. Open Space
> 11:30-1:00 - Lunch on your own. 
> 1:00-2:00
> A.  Simple Game Design (Dr. Bernard Chen)
> B.  Blender I (Gordon Fisher)
> C.  Web Framework Overview (Gloria W. Jacobs)
> D.  Scientific Computing (W. Emeneker)
> 2:00-3:00
> A.  Freeseer - A Live Presentation Recording Application (L.J. Estorninos)
> B.  Blender II
> C.  MongoDB (Gloria W. Jacobs)
> D.  Python Meets 3-D CAD (30 min, Nicholas Seward)/Real-time Image
> Processing (30 min, Dr. Gabriel Ferrer )
> 3:00-4:00
> A.  What Does This Code Do? (Jeff Rush)
> B.  Concurrency (Gloria W. Jacobs)
> C.  Web Security and Django (Chad Files)
> D.  Programming Mindstorm Robots (Greg Lindstrom)
> If I have forgotten someone or a class please let me know.

Greg, I'm not seeing my other talk, "Distributing Your Python Code" in
the schedule.  And I might suggest that my talk "What Does This Code
Do?" be placed in the morning as it a guided tour of code fragments and
can act as a tutorial for intermediate programmers.  It is much more a
group discussion than a lecture.  But I defer to your scheduling.

> Do we want to do anything after dinner?
> Even gathering at a hotel and having someone teach me how to contribute
> to the core distribution would be cool.  Or you could teach me about
> distribution methods or making packages.  I'd like Allen to teach me
> about unit tests (as opposed to smoke/functionality tests).  Honestly,
> the more I think about it the less I know about coding!

I'm game to meet after dinner and talk tech, assuming people are around
and not falling asleep.


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