[PyAR2] pyArkansas, 2010

C Burch dr.cburch at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 16:00:14 CEST 2010

1. I'd personally like to see this happen again. In terms of
attendance, it was a definite success these last two years. I realize
that it can't be judged successful without volunteers to organize!

2. UCA is the right way to go here. I'm confident I could find good
classroom facilities at Hendrix, but I can't imagine how we could get
the classroom computers that UCA has provided.

3. I liked the format from two years ago best - the three-hour block
in the morning followed up by hour-long blocks in the afternoon. Last
year, the afternoon mostly turned out to be a three-hour block as well
- I guess because we wanted to take full advantage of the visitors. My
one biggest suggestion from last year (which I've already mentioned to
you, Greg) is that it would be nice for the morning to offer a session
that would appeal to Python experts.

4. I would definitely be happy to speak again - with a reprise of my
Python-for-programmers talk or something different. By the way,
Hendrix is now using Python in several of its courses, including the
introductory computer science course.

If we have Gloria Jacobs again, I'd definitely like to ask her whether
we could host a women students' event with her at Hendrix like we did
last year. In fact, our computer science department might be able to
defray some of the cost of bringing her in.

6. My personal college-professor perspective on e-mail versus snail
mail: Probably on balance you're better off with snail mail. While
you're more likely to get my personal attention by e-mail, I'm more
likely to display a flyer for students to see if it comes to me by
snail mail, already printed.

7. I'd be happy to deal with contacting colleges in the area this
year. And while I don't feel up to contacting high schools on my own,
I'd be happy to help.

8. One date I'd suggest avoiding is November 6 - that's the regional
ACM collegiate programming contest. Many faculty and students who
would otherwise come to the Python conference will be committed to
compete there. From the collegiate perspective, it's best if it's a
few weekends away from that - like early to mid-October - though
that's pretty soon!


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