[PyAR2] Ride from Hot Springs Area?

Larz Luvchik pythonlarry at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 17:04:39 CEST 2008

(I tried sending this last night, but didn't seem to go through...  I also tried to send this from a different server.  I can't see that it's gotten through, so I'm sending it again with a different subject.  If duplicates show up, sorry!  :)

Greetings, all.  I would like to attend pyArkansas, and have a couple of options:

[1] I have a large old-school Suburban that seats "7", as I do have the
3rd row seat, but this is of course more cramped, and the back is much
more comfortable with only two.  So, room for 3 very comfortably, 4-5
snugly.  Oh, yeah, I have a Mitsubishi 40" TV in the back I'd really
help/need to move out of the back to use the 3rd row, too...  :> 
With gas prices and the fact that this baby doesn't get the best
mileage, a few bucks toward gas would be appreciated.

     [2] If anyone else is going from this area and would be
willing, I'd happily ride up with you.  And even more happily chip in
for gas as well, of course.  :)

*I* plan/want to stay for the
entire day, 8a until ~4p; Google maps has it at about 1.5 hours drive
time each way, so that's leaving ~6a to go up, getting back (assuming
no staying in town to kibitz) about 5:30/6p.

Just thought I'd throw this out into the ether...

Cheers, and I hope to get some response(s)!

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