[PyAR2] Sorry Guys...

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Fri Jan 25 23:25:48 CET 2008

All, I think I'm out too, I'd rather more of us be able to get together,
at least for me to drive down from NWA - its pretty much an all-day
affair for me. What about Feb 9th or 16th?





From: pyar2-bounces at python.org [mailto:pyar2-bounces at python.org] On
Behalf Of Greg Lindstrom
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 2:37 PM
To: pyar2 at python.org
Subject: [PyAR2] Sorry Guys...


I just found out that I need to go to Lyon College tomorrow; my daughter
had plans with a friend and the friend had to back out.  I will be out
of town all day.

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