[PyAR2] POST with Python?

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Fri Jan 25 18:50:58 CET 2008

I was up late last nite trying to POST data to Flickr and its giving me
fits, something wrong with my input params. So thanks, this helps me
understand it a little bit more. 





From: pyar2-bounces at python.org [mailto:pyar2-bounces at python.org] On
Behalf Of Coltrey Mather
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 11:47 AM
To: pyar2 at python.org
Subject: Re: [PyAR2] POST with Python?


post = urllib.urlopen('www.site.com/page.php', params)

On Jan 25, 2008 11:40 AM, W W <srilyk at gmail.com> wrote:

Ahah! I found out. Quite simple, really

params = urllib.urlencode({'name': 'Bob'})
post = urllib.urlopen('www.site.com/page.php'
<http://www.site.com/page.php%27> )
post = post.read()

And that's all she needs!


On Jan 25, 2008 11:31 AM, W W <srilyk at gmail.com> wrote:

It appears possible, though it looks like any solution I've seen is too
convoluted for what I want (maybe not though)

basically, I want to use the POST method to request data from a server.

instead of www.site.com/page.php?name=Bob (the GET fashion)
I want to be able to use the POST method.

Any help would be great! Thanks!

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