[PyAR2] What editor/IDE do YOU use??

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Thu Jan 24 16:29:33 CET 2008

Greg, I quit using Eclipse/PyDev because it was too complex for me, and
a memory hog as well. I've looked at Wing, it looks like its full of
tons of bells and whistles.


Thanks for the input.





From: Greg Lindstrom [mailto:gslindstrom at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 9:08 AM
To: Chad Cooper
Cc: pyar2 at python.org
Subject: Re: [PyAR2] What editor/IDE do YOU use??



For most of my work I still use vim.  It's a bit of a pain to learn, but
I started on vi (I really started on edlin; anyone else know what *that*

I bought the editor from Pythonware named "Wing IDE", but it was too
complex for me (very much like Microsoft developer studio).  They may
have improved the usability, but it was more than I needed. 

Lately, I've been using IDLE; the editor that comes bundled with Python,
more and more.  It's pretty simple, but quite useful.  There was a nice
write-up on IDLE in the November, 2007 edition of Python Magazine. 

My boss likes UltraEdit which, I believe, one must purchase.


On Jan 24, 2008 8:58 AM, Chad Cooper <Chad_Cooper at swn.com > wrote:

Hey all....


I'm working on a presentation to give at a GIS for oil/gas conference in
Houston next month and want to give a little info on IDEs/editors - just
a slide or two on what's out there as alternatives to Notepad, IDLE and
PythonWin. I have used PythonWin (and probably never will again),
NotePad++, Eclipse w/ PyDev, and most recently SPE and PyScripter. I
really like SPE, and PyScripter looks promising too. I just started
using JEdit on my Mac at home, and have used TextWrangler a bunch there
too. I'd like to poll the group and find out what you all are using,
what you like, and what you don't. Note that everything I use is free,
but if any of you are using something that isn't free, I'd like to hear
about that too, because if you are using it, chances are its worth
paying for, eh?  Any input is greatly appreciated.






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