[PyAR2] Let's Meet

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Wed Jan 9 20:54:10 CET 2008

Well, still digging thru the ole inbox after a week away over the
holidays. Greg, I'll bite. Looks like Jan 12 definitely isnt going to
happen, eh? Anyone else down for the 26th of Jan in Conway? I'll drive
down, but I'd like a few more people to commit to meet.





From: pyar2-bounces at python.org [mailto:pyar2-bounces at python.org] On
Behalf Of Greg Lindstrom
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 4:36 PM
To: pyar2 at python.org
Subject: [PyAR2] Let's Meet


I'd like for as many of us as possible to meet and discuss what we want
this group to be/do.  My push will be for a more traditional user group
meeting with presentations, questions/answers and maybe even time for
people to bring in their current projects for help with how to
design/build them.  Others have mentioned getting a group project to
work on, which I think would be a great thing to do as well.  I'm sure
there are other ideas out there just waiting to be brought up. 

Keeping in mind that March is PyCon in Chicago (you really should
consider going),   I never got around to plotting the zip codes -- sorry
-- but may I suggest we meet sometime in January in Conway?  If there
are a number of people up North (so to speak), perhaps we could schedule
a meeting in February up in Fayetteville (I'd be happy to drive up to
meet with you).  The CARLUG group meets at the San Fransisco Bread
Company in Conway, which would be a good place to talk.  If we decide to
meet up North, could someone suggest a place? Or, if more people in
Little Rock want to meet, we could meet "down South" :-P 

If there's interest to meet in Conway, I'll propose the 12th or 26th
(I'm out of town on the 19th).  February I would be available in the
16th only (sorry, this is right in the middle of gymnastics season and
my daughter is competing level 5 this year). 

For those of you wanting to do a project, what do you have in mind?  I'd
love to help out, but we're going to need someone to step up and lead on

Happy New Year, everyone!


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