[PyAR2] Another Expense

Chad Cooper Chad_Cooper at SWN.COM
Sun Aug 10 03:28:59 CEST 2008

Are we talking a couple of sheets of paper? It really doenst need to be fancy, does it? If its just a few sheets of paper stapled together, I could probably throw my company's  logo on, put something at the bottom about them sponsoring it, and print it off at the office. As my graduate advisor always said, trees are cheap, its the ink (or toner now anymore) thats expensive.


-----Original Message-----
From: pyar2-bounces at python.org on behalf of Greg Lindstrom
Sent: Sat 8/9/2008 8:03 PM
To: pyar2 at python.org
Subject: [PyAR2] Another Expense
It just occurred to me that we will want a program guide of some sort to hand out at registration.  It will need to have a schedule and a (short) description of each class/talk and (perhaps) a brief vita on each speaker.  It should also have information on our humble mailing list as well as some of the python lists (tutor, general, etc.).  Then 100 copies (100 seems to be our best guess on attendance...we jsut pulled it out of the air).

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