[PyAR2] Jeff Rush Speaking at PyArkansas

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 16:05:42 CEST 2008

Hello Everyone,

While working on organizing pyArkansas, I wrote Jeff Rush (Python
Advocacy Coordinator and all around nice guy) about speaking at our
humble get together in October.  He has responded very
enthusiastically and on an email sent to the Python list mentioned
that he was booked in October for Python Arkansas!  Jeff is one of the
"Big Dogs" in the community and I'm extremely happy that he is willing
to come help us out.  He says that he will bring some folks with him
to attend as well.

So, we really need to meet -- either in person or IRC -- to get things
planned.  How about Saturday, August 16th?  Should we set up a
freenode channel (anyone know how to do that?).  I need to met with
our friends at UCA to look over the classrooms/labs and coordinate
with them as well.

Also, it's time to think about classes/talks.  Jeff will cover
"Introduction to Python", which will be either a 3 or 6 hour class
(or, maybe do a couple shorter classes on different subjects).  It
would be nice to have some 45-minute talks on various subjects.
Anyone want to volunteer?

Text/File Processing
Web Development
Scientific Applications
Object Oriented Python
Gaming (pyGame)
Anything Else?

If you do not want to (or do not feel qualified to) host a talk, what
would you want to see someone else speak on (what talks would you like
to go to)?

Do we want Open Space for talks or "show and tell"?  I'd like at lest
30 minutes at the end of the day for everyone to get together for a
wrap up (and to give away door prizes).

Anyone want to work on swag?  It would involve writing people asking
if the y want to give us anything (OReilly is very good about that) or
get any coupons for us to give away.

It would also be nice to have a small (8.5x11) "poster" to send out
with the announcements I plan to mail out next month.  Anyone want to
put one together?

I'll create a Google Document to share with a proposed schedule, etc.
Let me know if you want access to it.


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