[PyAR2] We're an O'Reilly User Group!

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 00:48:18 CET 2007

I've registered us an O'Reilly  user group.  This means O'Reilly will do
some very nice things for us.



Here are details about the program you should know--PLEASE READ:

O'Reilly offers free review copies of our books. As the group rep, you may
request a copy for review in your newsletter, web site, blog, mail ing list,
or for your group library. Requests for review copies must be submitted by
you, as the contact for your group [Note: That's me (Greg)]. If you wish for
the review copy to be shipped to another group member, please supply the
name, address, and phone number of that member for shipment.  If a review of
a book has been written, please forward a copy to me. We are also
encouraging user group members to post reviews to sites such as Amazon,
Slashdot, and oreilly.com. For current user group info, graphics, and book
review information please go to: http://ug.oreilly.com/

Please add your group to our User Group

The UG wiki is password protected, please use the following:
username: <snip>
Password: <snip>

Your group members receive a 35% discount on O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph,
PC Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or YoungJin
products purchased directly from O'Reilly. The discount code your members
should use is DSUG. Orders can be placed online at
http://www.oreilly.com/store/ or by calling 800-998-9938. Your members are
also entitled to a discount on O'Reilly conferences and tutorials. Other
special discount offers may also be forwarded to your group from time to

In addition, we regularly donate books and other promotional items for
raffles or auctions to help your group raise money, or for meeting door
prizes--just let me know if you're in need of something. (Please allow
enough time for ground shipping.)

Some of our authors are able to speak at group meetings. Let us know if you
are interested by adding your name to our User Group Wiki page and we'll do
what we can to help arrange speakers:

We'll also send you links to articles, tips, and book and product news in
our UG newsletter. If you opted not to receive the newsletter, you may want
to reconsider, as this is the best way to know which books are being
released, and serves as a reminder to request review copies for your group.
Many groups post the newsletters to their members list or on their web site.

What you can do for O'Reilly:

- Make sure your members know about our discount by making an announcement
or handing out our bookmarks with the discount info.

- Add an O'Reilly Banner to your web site from our UG page:
http://ug.oreilly.com/ If you don't have a web site, please post O'Reilly
information in your newsletters or mailing lists.

- Encourage your members to review our books and post the reviews on your
site or discussion lists, in your newsletters, or at any online book review
site such as Amazon, Slashdot, Barnes & Noble, or oreilly.com --making sure
you send me a copy too. For book review suggestions go to:

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to working with

--Marsee Henon
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