[PSF-Volunteers] Better fund raising for the PSF

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Wed Oct 5 21:53:38 CEST 2005


I've received absolutely no response from the message below.  If
there is interest, please let me know before I recommend disbanding 
the PSC at the next board meeting.


- Stephan

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Stephan Deibel wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to try to build a better fund raising capability for the 
> PSF.  While the PSF has done OK obtaining new sponsors by osmosis, and 
> has done reasonably well through PyCon sponsorships, I think a 
> manageable amount of additional effort could really increase our 
> visibility as a worthy charitable organization.
> For example, we could send a semi-monthly news letter + appeal for 
> donations to CLP, we could seek out potential corporate donors more 
> agressively, we could make recommendations to the board on how to 
> restructure available sponsor/donor opportunities to make those more 
> attractive, we could start a recurring donor program and/or send 
> solicitations to past donors say 2X/year, and so forth.
> In the past year, we've started our grants program (with some success, 
> tho projects are still going on), we've funded a website redesign 
> (which I hope will soon get over the deployment hump), and of course 
> we continue to be the money bag behind PyCon which may in future years 
> require increasingly larger $ commitments from the PSF.  So there are 
> certainly compelling reasons to donate to the PSF.
> Are there people on this list that are interested *and able* to help 
> with any of this?
> I should note that the PSF has the Python Support Committee (PSC) that 
> is chartered to work on this kind of thing, but it has done nothing 
> recently and there appears to be no interest or time available among 
> its current members to work on this.  My intention as chairman of that 
> committee is to reform it with a fresh pool of volunteers, if some can 
> be found here.
> Thanks!
> Stephan Deibel
> Chairman of the Board
> Python Software Foundation
> http://python.org/psf
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