[PSF-Community] PyConBY (Belarus) 2021 Online. Call for Proposals

Николай Сасковец shurph at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 10:38:33 EST 2021

Hi All!

I am on a program committee of the PyCon Belarus team.

Our team is happy to announce that PyCon Belarus 2021 https://by.pycon.org/
will be held on March 13. We made it online and free for everyone. 500+
Python developers of all levels will join us remotely.

Call for Proposals is now open and we are accepting submissions till
February 12. Please find all the details about the CFP here:

Warmest regards,
    Mikalai Saskavets
    PyCon Belarus Program Committee Co-Chair
    Engineering Manager at iTechArt
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