[PSF-Community] PyLadies needs your help with translation

Mariatta mariatta at python.org
Thu Feb 27 20:31:43 EST 2020


PyLadies needs more help with document translations.

We are looking to make our member registration form available in these
languages: Arabic, French, English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and
Mandarin Chinese.

Currently the forms are in english.

Débora Azevedo from PyLadies Brasil is working on the Portuguese

We're still looking for volunteers who can help translate into Arabic,
French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese.

The text to be translated are:
- Basic membership form:
- Voting membership form:

If you would like help translate, please request access to the translation
Google Docs, listed at
Alternatively, you can reply to this email, and I will share the docs with

If you know someone else who could help us with this effort, I would
appreciate the introduction.

Thank you!

Mariatta on behalf of PyLadies
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