[PSF-Community] PSF Announcement: 2018 Election Timeline

Ewa Jodlowska ewa at python.org
Thu Mar 15 10:20:04 EDT 2018

Hello PSF community!

This is a notification of the 2018/19 board of director election timeline:

   1. Open call for Board Director Nominations: May 1, 2018 AoE[1] (Tuesday)
   2. Board Director Nomination cut-off: May 25, 2018 AoE (Friday)
   3. Voter application cut-off date: May 25, 2018 AoE (Friday)
   4. Voting start date: June 1, 2018 AoE (Friday)
   5. Voting end date: June 10, 2018 AoE (Sunday)

*A few notes:*

   - Fellows, contributing and/or managing members can vote in this
   - All future communication about the vote will be sent to the
   psf-vote at python.org mailing list. Subscribe to https://mail.python.org/
   mailman/listinfo/psf-vote before May 1, 2018 AoE.
   - There will be three board seats open this year.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email.

[1] AoE: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aoe
[2] If you are not yet a voting member, apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/
bjPOtSU6D5TwKZVh1 by May 25th, 2018. If unsure, email me.

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
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